This guide provides an overview of the TwentyFeet website, which measures users’ popularity and influence on social networking sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and others.
The workshop aims to increase participants' awareness of the concept of human rights. It introduces characteristics of human rights and identifies human rights related-terms, as well as the international human rights treaties.
This introductory presentation for CSOs highlights reasons for needing the media and an overview of news, journalists and who to reach out to. It also describes the structure and sections of press releases.
Tunisian CSO Munathara worked with local mobile developers to build this app promoting public dialogue. Users can record and upload a 99-second video on a key civic issue, which is then viewed and rated by other app users.
Arabi Israeli developer Mohammed Bitar worked with Al Manarah to develop this mobile app for the blind and visually impaired, allowing this audience to listen to Arabic language literature on their smart phones. It also features bookmark and review functions. Al Manaraah is based in Nazareth, Israel.