This presentation describes the emergence and state of election monitoring, its contribution to democratic transition, and problems and shortcomings of election observation. It also focuses on vote count verification and improving professionalism.
The presentation describes challenges facing emerging democracies and factors different from western systems that can impact campaign finance. Results from a study of campaign finance are summarized.
This presentation describes the Campaign Finance Board (CFB) in New York, campaign finance components, mandates, public funding issues and audit reports.
The presentation describes pre-election day fraud through the campaign or registration, election day fraud, vote buying, abuse of state resources and detecting abuse.
This presentation describes the importance of delimitation, types of electoral systems that delimit electoral districts, legal framework, authority, communities of interest and examples from Sierra Leone and Lebanon.
This presentation describes the role of elections in democratization and historical paths to democracy in monarchies. It also gives background information on Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
The presentation describes the Organization of American States, mandates to observe elections, activities of observers, and inclusive and clean elections.
This presentation describes definitions and types of minorities, minority rights, reasons for minority representation, the "mirror" notion, and how to preserve electoral rights.
This presentation describes contribution limits in U.S. federal elections, including national party committee limits, local party limits, and political action committee (PAC) limits.
This agenda outlines the 10 day Election Management Training Institute, organized by the Center for Democracy & Election Management, part of American University's School of Public Affairs.
This presentation focuses on transparency, regulation of political finance in the U.S., enforcement, trends in campaign finance including the Internet, the role of media, and civil society and trust.